Sunday, October 30, 2011

"Octurbo 25th"... a very special day!

According to Webster:
de- light- ful 
giving great pleasure or delight;
highly pleasing:
a delightful surprise.

If you asked me to describe our daughter in one word, 
I think I would say... 

      Lauren Elise, 
this is our prayer for you.
"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4

 We had lots of fun celebrating Lauren's birthday! She woke up to a decorated house and birthday balloons. She loved her pizza party and princess cake.She waited all day to open her present from Mommy and Daddy. She was excited and thankful for all the gifts she received from family and friends.

She is such a gift to us. 
She brings so much joy, sweetness and humor to our family 
and we are so grateful to God for our
"delightful surprise".
Happy 3rd Birthday Sweet Lauren!

birthday morning sleepy head!
Lauren and Uncle Scotty

Birthday Breakfast

Baby princesses to help celebrate  
Baby Cinderella and sparkle shoes from Ella!

Matching robe for "mommy and baby"

Grammie came to play too! Thank you for the great gifts :) xoxo
"I riddy wanted this!" - thanks Auntie Kat


Davey was kind enough to help Lauren open gifts :)

Princess castle for our happy little princess! Thanks Scotty :)

Pizza, cake and all Lauren's favorite people!

Happy Birthday Dear Lauren...

"three years old!"
"THE" cake!
Sleepy Ava ready for bed!

 The greatest gift of all... God's faithfulness to our family!

our three little pumpkins!

       Pumpkin patch time!




Friday, September 2, 2011

our (a few) pictures!

...JUNE... june... JUNE ...june... JUNE... june ...JUNE ...

Davey and Ava have always been buddies

and Lauren and Ava are developing a special
sister bond. So thankful they have eachother.

at the beginning of the summer...
Ava was happy laying on the floor, or in her
jumperoo... my how time changes things!

"back in the day" when Ava was on the blanket you left her
on when you left the room :)
6 months old

See the turtle by the tree! Davey watched this little guy
for a long time!!!

June 24th, Davey turned 4 years old. Here is the
Buzz Lightyear cake! We had a fun party
with friends we rarely get to see :)

the boy and the space ranger

Davey and Lauren's birthday night campout

this little cutie loves the beach!

Watermelon! 'nough said

...JULY ... july... JULY ...july... ... JULY...

All American Girl at the 4th of July Parade!

water balloon fight on the 4th

roasting marshmallows

you don't have to tell me how scary this photo is!
I was there :)

Happy little Ava... in July she started the
"earthworm" scootch!

God has used this little baby's sweet smile to encourage
me and give me hope many days this summer.

Davey's great catch- Fishing with Daddy

my little country girl!

an exciting project in our backyard provided
a free babysitter for mommy :)

Davey's not the only Buzz fan around here!

lots of time at the park

little ballerina- little bow- little hair
7 months - sitting up on her own

makes my day!

...AUGUST...august ...AUGUST ...august ...

Davey at the Carver Co. fair

Checking out the ostrich!
"yes" he was warned many times to keep
his fingers away.
"yes" he tried to feed the bird after we
told him not to.
"yes" he got got bit!
"Yes"- we laughed after he assured us he was
ok. "ouch! He bit me, but I'm ok!"- Davey

Ava LOVES this toy!

August 14th is DAVE day at Famous Dave's
if your name is get your meal free!
We were surprised to see THE Famous Dave
when we arrived. He was very kind and Davey
had fun talking to him :)

Ava was there too!

Famous Dave with the "bar-b-cutie" ! (if you know me,
you already know that I was very amused by that!)

and now Little Miss Ruffles can pull herself up!

At the park with our fun little neighbor girl.
She loves "Aba"

Davey is learning to ride his bike without
training wheels! I am so proud of him :)
He is doing great!!!
last day at the beach :(
lots of fun playing in the sand
beach baby!
she's been busy mastering crawling and she
is now quite efficient!
"look mom! I made an elephant with my toast!"
definately time to put the rails up on the crib
Lauren and Zachary at the park
and last but not least... our end of the summer
tradition with Papa Cookie Maker-
Ava's 1st time at the fair! 8 months old
Davey insisted he hold his hot dog in a bun in his hand.
Lauren picked up on the novelty of food on a stick and ate
every last bite!
in the "bubbles" with Papa
Ava got a bite of Davey's ice cream...
she quickly opened her little birdy beak for more!
driving the tractors is something we
look forward to all year long!
funny face #1
driving the bobcat
funny face #2

funny face #3
Ava got a bite of mommy's favorite state fair food!
Thank you Papa! Let us seranade you for the rest of our
time here at the great MN get together!
(For now,these are OUTSIDE toys!
It's possible that someday, they will be "LOST" toys :)
a nap with Papa for a tired girl after a long day!
Riding the bus back home...with spiderman and cookies!!!
Overall we had a great summer and hope you did too!

This spring/summer brought many changes for our family.

I believe God is using what seemed like a very hopeless
situation to change our hearts, and bring about good, healing
and restoration for our family and ultimately glorify Him...
no matter what the outcome!

God has used many people to encourage me this summer,
friends, family and people I don't even know. These people
have helped build my faith in the Lord and He is renewing
my strength everyday.

If you would like to pray for our family we would very
much appreciate it. I am praying that God's perfect will would be
done for EVERYBODY in our family. I often find myself confused
by all the mixed information I receive so another specific prayer
request is that the "Voice of Truth" would ring very clear and
that we would listen and obey Jesus...ALL of us!

I have already seen God doing miracles in our family and I believe
with God's help He could bring total healing and restoration
to our family...just praying for patience while He does His work.

"So we are not giving up. HOW COULD WE? Even though on the
outside it often looks like things are falling apart. On the inside,
where God is making new life, not a day goes by without His
unfolding grace." 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

"I've seen miracles just happen,
silent prayers get answered,
broken hearts become brand new.
That's what faith can do."

"the BIG giant says,
'little boy you will never win!'
but the VOICE of TRUTH
tells me a different story.
The VOICE of TRUTH says
'Do not be afraid'.
The VOICE of TRUTH says
'this is for My glory'
Of all the voices calling out to me,
I will choose to listen and believe
the VOICE of TRUTH...
Jesus is the VOICE of TRUTH."

" I will praise you in this storm,
and I will lift my hands, You are who
You are no matter where I am.
Every tear I've cried, you hold in
your hand, you've never left my side.
And though my heart is torn,
I will praise you in this storm."

"No matter where I am, what I'm doing or
what I see, the Lord is working mightily in me!"

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6